
Frequently asked questions

Let's answer your common questions.

VINMAIN is for prospective vehicle buyers who want to do everything themselves. Want to know about their vehicles and find cheaper loan options locally. They give us VIN# for the vehicle they want to buy, and we give them all options.
Yes. No need to login even. Give us your VIN# and learn about your car and potential needs from us. Whether you need auto financing companies or insurance companies we will provide you with the solution.
We are intending to create an eco-system of auto loan lenders, insurance providers and parts companies to make this one stop solution for car buyers. They will need to pay us to offer compelling services to these car buyers.
Currently we get all vehicle specs (VIN Specs), Retail Valuation (Market Data), Vehicle History Report (to see all liens and accidents if any), Recalls if any (what OEM came out with for the model you are buying) and Cost of ownership over 5 years.
You just scan a VIN from the car you are buying, and we will provide all details. Once you are ready to take cheaper loans, we will ask you to select a local lender and give us your license for easy pre-approval application
Two reasons: 1) Credit unions are owned by members, so their profits usually go to members and 2) When dealer is not in a picture to finance a loan, credit unions don’t need to pay to auto dealers resulting in cheaper loan for you.
We are intending to create an eco-system of auto loan lenders, insurance providers, service companies or car repairers, and parts companies to make this a one stop solution for car buyers. Think of us like you give us a VIN# of your car and everything available at your fingertips.
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